

—————— ——————-

Mrs Alison Holman
Cold Oak Cottages, Snitton Lane, Ludlow Shropshire. SY8 3LB
Telephone 07834159944

Clee Division Unitary Councillor, The Public, The Press

Members are summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Bitterley Parish Council, to be held on 15th April 2024, at Bitterley Village Hall at 7:00 pm, for the transaction of business as set out in the agenda below.

Members of the public are welcome to join the meeting but can only speak on matters relevant to this agenda during the Public Participation Session.

Yours sincerely
Heather Coonick

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
8th April 2024


2024/159 Apologies

a) To receive and accept apologies and reasons for absence from members.

2024/160 Declarations of Interest
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests – Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Interest and should leave the prior to the commencement of the debate.
i. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
ii. To declare any Non-Pecuniary Interests.

2024/161 Public Participation (maximum 15 minutes)
The meeting will be suspended for this Item.

2024/162 Shropshire Councillor Report

2024/163 Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on the 18th March 2024

2024/164 Clerks Report: Defer

2024/165 Planning

a) 24/01188/FUL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED – Erection of front porch, rear single storey extension with balcony above, creation of first floor above existing garage with external staircase, erection of detached garden room/office building, fenestration and external door alterations. LOCATION: – Cloud Cottage, Farden, Bitterley, Ludlow, Shropshire.

b) 24/00836/FUL Planning for Farm Barn Crow Leasowes

c) 18/04139/FUL Erection of one (affordable dwelling with detached garage, siting of a mobile home for the duration of the works. Revisit

2024/166 Volunteers to Assist Parish Council – Update

a) Website
b) Defibrillators

2024/167 Co-option/ Councillor Vacancy Update

2024/168 Ledwyche – Progress on Community Liaison Group

2024/169 Employment of New Parish Clerk – New Contract.

2024/170 Agree the Environmental Maintenance Application (Closing date 15th May)

2024/171 Financial Matters:

a) Payments made since last meeting – No additional payments made
b) Approve Payments

i. Michelle Parker Final Salary and HMRC – £1,022.94
ii. Bliss Technology (Computer Troubleshooting) – £60.00
iii. Alison Holman (Reimburse for Microsoft 365 – £59.99
iv. Heather has asked for permission to purchase two defib batteries to replace
which two which are running low.
v. No renewal has come in from Zurich (our insurers). Heather will try and get
some quotes before the May meeting.
vi. Heather would like permission to buy some basics – paper, mouse, stamps,
envelopes. She would like our agreement of an amount we are happy for her to

2024/172 Action List

2024/173 Items for the next meeting on the 13th May 2024

Mrs. A. Holman
Chair to Bitterley Parish Council